I’m Daniel Vojcak, and This Is How I Work
5:00–5:15 am: Wake up, brief exercise, brew coffee (2–4 cups)
5:15 am — 5:25 am: Breakfast and reading daily news, complete daily crossword and sudoku puzzles
5:25 am— 3:30 pm: Studying, working, and/or reading; 1-minute standing break every hour, glass of water each hour, 5–10 min break each hour from screen-time if using laptop or phone
3:30 pm–4:00 pm: Half an hour of daily exercise, usually aerobic jogging/running, Anytime Fitness or outside
4:00 pm — 6:00 pm: Studying, working, and/or reading
6:00 pm — 7:00 pm: Dinner (try to include fish, veggies, lentils, berries, fruit & veggies)
7:00 pm: Drink green tea or turmeric tea
7:00 pm — 9:00 pm: Studying and reading
9:00 pm: Drink more green tea or turmeric tea
11:30 pm: Take melatonin and l-theanine supplements before going to bed
(A simple yet effective daily routine to be at my best and achieve maximum productivity)